Saturday, May 21, 2011

Memory Lane

Do you have a place from your childhood that was your stomping ground? No one else knew your spot like you did. The place where you went to think, dream, run around, a place with lots of memories, usually fond ones. 

One morning a few weeks ago, Luke and I took a trip to his spot. A secluded little farm in a tiny little town that makes you feel like you're the only person in the world when you step onto the property. He fished. I read a book. The sun came up, and the weather was absolutely perfect. Crisp. Not too sunny. A rain drop or two. Beautiful. I know, I know, it doesn't get much better than that. 

As you look through these photos maybe it will inspire you to take your own trip back down memory lane, to one of the places that captured you as a child. Do it! It's refreshing, and even if it's not your own place, it's still fun to hear stories about the particular place from the other person's childhood.

Be a kid again for a day! 


so peaceful. I feel like in this picture you can almost imagine yourself right there. 

Location: Crockett County, TN

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