Sunday, November 20, 2011

Amy is my guinea pig. [[the yellow chair series]]

I call her "amy girl". She's my best friend. And my guinea pig. Thrice now. First time here. Second time here. she's always up for letting me get really close to her face with my camera and has never complained when i enthusiastically say on a rainy day, "amy!! can i take pictures of you today??" She's a true guinea pig whom I cherish dearly :) If you haven't already met her, ladies and gents, here is Amy B. She's a real gem. 
our little family :)
You might be thinking to yourself, "hey! i think i've seen that awesome yellow chair before!" If you find yourself thinking this, then, you're 100% correct! A little while ago I did a shoot for another friend, miss annie. Today, miss annie had a wonderfully marvelous idea. She called it, "the yellow chair series". So, it became official today. THE yellow chair will now be making more and more appearances in photo shoots. What a beautiful piece of specimen it is. It deserves as much action as it can, right? :) Thanks for the marvelous idea, Annie :)
yours truly giving some lovin' to the yellow chair

1 comment:

Annie said...

yay yellow chair! are my boots going to have their own series too ;)